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3.7. Geogebra question type

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Question Type GeoGebra

Please be aware that this plugin is in beta state.

The GeoGebra question type plugin allows teachers to set up questions which can be solved and automatically checked using GeoGebra.

The automated check is currently limited to check against one or more boolean variables in GeoGebra.

There is a german introductory video available at:


​Github repo -> See ​Moodle Git for Administrators for install.

Usage Teacher

Preparing a Worksheet

  • Create a worksheet where there is at least one boolean variable which indicates whether the students solution is correct
  • Upload the question to GeoGebraTube

Adding a Question in Moodle

  • As a teacher, create a GeoGebra question in Moodle
  • Supply the URL of the GeoGebraTube worksheet or choose the material using the file picker (only works with GeoGebraTube repository installed)
  • Load the Applet. Variables which could be randomized or can be used for checking correctness, will be extracted automatically
  • Choose the fraction which goes with the boolean variable
  • Save the question and use it for your quiz

Example: Find a Point in the Coordinate System

Finding a point in the coordinate system for students who know how to deal with natural numbers

In GeoGebra and GeoGebraTube

  • Hide the Algebra View, show the grid, show only the positive direction for the axis
  • Zoom in, such that the grid has a distance of 0.5
  • Create a slider with name a, min 0, max 7 and increment 0.1
  • Create a slider with name b, min 0, max 4 and increment 0.1
  • Type A = (a,b) in the Input Bar
  • Type B = (0,0) in the Input Bar
  • Type solved = Distance[A,B]<0.1 in the Input Bar
  • Hide Point A and the two sliders
  • Resize the window, so you can see the x-axis from 0 to 7 and the y-axis from 0 to 4
  • Choose Share from the file menu
  • Make sure the applet size was detected correctly and press next. You do not need any informations for the student, since you fill in this in Moodle.
  • Fill in the fields with information for other teachers. You should choose Shared with link in the visibility section.

You can also find this file under ​

In Moodle

  • Go to the Question Bank of your Moodle course
  • Choose Create a new question...
  • Double click on GeoGebra
  • Type in a question name
  • Type: Drag the blue point to the point A=({a}/{b}).
  • Click Choose a link... in the GeoGebra Applet section
  • Find and choose the file you just uploaded to GeoGebraTube
    • You will get a list of your files (public and shared with link) when you are logged in to GeoGebraTube in the same browser instance.
    • Alternatively you can copy and paste the share link which is shown on GeoGebraTube
  • Click (Re)Load and show applet - the applet will be shown
  • Choose yes in the Are there any variables which should be randomized? drop-down list
  • If you're lucky, we found the correct variables, which can be randomized for you, otherwise type a,b in the Variables to be randomized input
  • In the Answers section set Variable 1 to solved and the grade to 100%
  • Save the question and preview the question. Use the question in a Moodle Quiz.